Sunday, September 30, 2018


This week was long and hard. It was also wonderful and filled with growth! We are working so hard to find new people and to help the ward and to help our those we teach progress towards baptism. And I know we will see blessings and miracles and the fruits of our labors! I just don't know when...all in God's timing:) 

We are doing SO GOOD at working with the ward members, LOVING those around us, doing small acts of service, loving and serving the other missionaries, and enjoying the beauty around us. Plus we are working very hard to be positive and faithful and happy! 

I love this gospel when it's easy but even more when it's hard! I think that it kinda reflects life, there will ALWAYS be challenges, though the challenges change the answer is always the same: Pray, study the scriptures, take time to ponder, go to church and take the sacrament, and think positively!

Sister Milne

Sunday, September 23, 2018

I Love Guam

This week felt way long which was good because the time is going too fast. 
On tuesday we picked up 4 new sisters from the airport! 3 from vanuatu and 1 from fiji. They are all converts and they all have giant testimonies and desires for goodness and obedience. Holy cow I love them so much. Working with the new missionaries is such a blessing. We had lots of meetings for them to get them all the things they need. We had 2 of the sisters living with us for the week, but now just one. 

Our baptism had to be pushed back due to something called a "tropical depression" which is when the weather is really sad and gloomy or something like that.... so Charity will be baptized this next saturday! She is doing wonderfully.

We are working really hard with Pwipwi to get her married and baptized. She loves when we come and the spirit is SO STRONG each time we testify about how the gospel will help her has she becomes a mom. (She is 4 months pregnant). 

We have been praying a lot for new prepared people to teach and saturday we felt impressed to visit a chuukese family in the ward. There was an aunt and a niece that had both moved in the night before. The aunt had been taught by missionaries before and really wants to be baptized! They both came to church the next day and we are so grateful for God putting them in our path. 

Alos, Sister Mauga started and finished her driving class and I'm so proud of her:) Hahaha she's way annoyed that she has to learn how to drive all over again because we drive on the opposite side of the road. But she's putting in the work to get her license because she doesn't want to go off Island. 

Saturday night, we were passing some other sisters apartment on the way back down from the driving school. So we stopped by their apartment to bring them ice cream from mcdonalds, but they were so scared when we knocked. They didn't open for like 5 minutes, but we heard them shuffling around. Sister Petrus (from chuuk) yelled "WHO ARE YOU?" and then when she finally opened the door after we replied she had a knife in her hand. It was so funny, but also I felt really bad for scaring them. I guess they have been flashed several times in the past 2 weeks while out walking and have a had some other things happen so they were under strict direction from President to not open the door if anyone knocks. 

I know we are not supposed to get content in the gospel because we need to be constantly progressing, but I feel so content and happy with where I'm at! I wish it could stay like this forever, but that's not what God wants so I will keep working to better understand His will for me. His plan is always better than my plan and it has never once in my entire life not worked out and been okay in the end. 

Sister Milne

Sunday, September 16, 2018

After The Storm

This week was way slow getting back to work after the storm. We finally got our power back Thursday night. There wasn't anything too bad that happened here on Guam, but the little island Roda next to us got like wiped out. We have been busy visiting people and making sure they are all okay. We have a cute little girl named charity getting baptized this Saturday and one of my favorite people ever that we taught a ton in Yigo is also getting baptized this Saturday! I'm so happy, I love them so much. I love working hard to teach repentance and baptize converts. Coming up on the Last 2 months of my mission, I have been thinking a lot about my lions share. What it it that I will claim as mine. A lion doesn't eat the leftovers, he takes what he wants and claims it. That was from a zone conference.  For me, it's not a certain number of baptisms, but rather it's joy and light. That is what I am claiming as mine. Not just teaching the joy of the gospel but truly LIVING it. 

pics: thanks for the facemasks mom, also we got to celebrate our friend's 4 year old birthday, she got to pick the rice color. She thought it was blue.

Love you all!

Sister Milne

Tuesday, September 11, 2018


So this past week was crazy. We had tons of missionaries coming in for MLC (which was awesome, lots of big changes that I'm so excited about). Then Saturday we took our investigator charlie who is super shy on a tour of the church and he loved it. He came to church with his mom who is a recent convert and had a great time. I got to speak in church on joy thanks to Sister Mauga volunteering me. She's such a punk but I still love her for her accent:)

Then the biggest news of course is the typhoon that hit. It was supposed to be a level 4-5 so everyone was freaking out. The calm before the storm was eerie and beautiful. We had to evacuate, first to sinajana, but then due to other complications we had to drive another 45 minutes up to Dededo at midnight sunday night. It was a grand adventure. The storm hit monday evening and lasted all night, but God blessed these people and it turned into just a level 1 typhoon. Lots of rain and 97 mph wind. The power went out, but we were in an area where it was only out for like 6 hours. We are moving back down to our area today and the power is still out down there but it'll just be fine. We really just sat inside eating, studying, singing, and laughing. Being stuck inside for 24+ hours with 2 chuukese people, a pacific islander, and a Thai person is one of the funniest things ever. I love these sisters so much. We also enjoyed sitting on the back porch which was like a little cave where no wind or rain hit and we watched the storm. Nature is so amazing and powerful. 

We were honestly a little disappointed that it wasn't bigger, but I'm mostly just grateful. There is too many people that I love a lot that live in little tin houses. 

There was mostly just a ton of downed trees and power outages and some flooding.

We are hoping to find some great opportunities for service!


Sister Milne

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

The South is BEAUTIFUL!

So it turns out we live in the prettiest part of guam, and there's a delicious little taco shack like a minute away from our apartment. Those were the biggest highlights of this week and they made us so very happy:) Sister Mauga discovered what a burrito is and she loves them! I discovered pangi popo which are these sweet coconut milk on buns stuff that a samoan member made us at Sister Mauga's request and it was heavenly. 

We didn't get to spend too much time in our area because we had SO MANY MEETINGS. I had meetings with the stake president, meetings to help advance the mission in terms of technology stuff, meetings for new missionaries, meetings for trainers, meetings with ward leaders, and meetings to plan zone conference. It was all way good and important but I really just want to teach. I love teaching. 

There is a recent convert here in Talisay who bore her testimony for the first time on sunday and it was so wonderful. She was so passionate about the book of mormon and its power in our lives. We just started teaching her 11 year old son and we are hoping to eventually be able to teach her husband as well. 

Our bishop has given us a list of 14 children of record age 9 and older that have not been baptized. We are so excited to visit these people and their families this week. We strongly feel that there are people here in Talisay waiting for us. We know we will baptize, because He told us so. 

I think I was meant to live on an Island and am considering doing so for the rest of my life....

I know Heavenly Father lives and loves us so much that He sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for us so that we can live with Him again. He wants us home. He wants YOU home. I love having this sure knowledge. I feel it every single day in my heart and in my mind. 

Limpoak sang,
Sister Kamry Milne