Tuesday, September 11, 2018


So this past week was crazy. We had tons of missionaries coming in for MLC (which was awesome, lots of big changes that I'm so excited about). Then Saturday we took our investigator charlie who is super shy on a tour of the church and he loved it. He came to church with his mom who is a recent convert and had a great time. I got to speak in church on joy thanks to Sister Mauga volunteering me. She's such a punk but I still love her for her accent:)

Then the biggest news of course is the typhoon that hit. It was supposed to be a level 4-5 so everyone was freaking out. The calm before the storm was eerie and beautiful. We had to evacuate, first to sinajana, but then due to other complications we had to drive another 45 minutes up to Dededo at midnight sunday night. It was a grand adventure. The storm hit monday evening and lasted all night, but God blessed these people and it turned into just a level 1 typhoon. Lots of rain and 97 mph wind. The power went out, but we were in an area where it was only out for like 6 hours. We are moving back down to our area today and the power is still out down there but it'll just be fine. We really just sat inside eating, studying, singing, and laughing. Being stuck inside for 24+ hours with 2 chuukese people, a pacific islander, and a Thai person is one of the funniest things ever. I love these sisters so much. We also enjoyed sitting on the back porch which was like a little cave where no wind or rain hit and we watched the storm. Nature is so amazing and powerful. 

We were honestly a little disappointed that it wasn't bigger, but I'm mostly just grateful. There is too many people that I love a lot that live in little tin houses. 

There was mostly just a ton of downed trees and power outages and some flooding.

We are hoping to find some great opportunities for service!


Sister Milne

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