Sunday, July 29, 2018

Baptism and Boye

This week has been AWESOME!

  • Ferny got miraculously baptized. We planned and got her baptism ready in just 5 days because once she decided to get baptized she could not wait. It was amazing. She talked about the spirit and what she was reading in the Book of Mormon and she dressed in all white when she got the Holy Ghost and she was just beaming and she just kept saying, "I'm so happy!" She is probably the most sincerely converted person I have ever baptized on my mission. (Not that others weren't converted, but she just GETS IT) This is the best part of Missionary Work, seeing someone change and desire to share the Gospel with others and making sacrifices to be baptized and keep the commandments. She is a true disciple of Jesus Christ. 
  • Alex Boye came from performing at the microgames and he came to our ward and talked and sang and put on a devotional which our investigator Dayneen came to so we got to join also and it was SO GOOD. He is so sincerely happy and humble and inspiring. He is a great entertainer. "We are ALL 10's! You came to earth a ten! And there's nothing you can do about it so it's time for you own it! It's not boasting, I call it.....GODfidence!" He is performing at a mall today and we get to go and friend around during the mini concert. 
  • We actually first met him and the Area President Elder Choi at the airport at 4:30 am Sunday morning. They had just gotten off their flight from Yap and we were waiting for a sister that got transferred to come in. So we were gross, just rolled out of bed, threw on our clothes from the day before and then ended up meeting them at the airport. They saw us and our name tags and their whole group goes, "Oh it's the sisters! Come here sisters!" And we just smiled but inside went, "Oh man, we are a mess...." Haha it was great:) 
Sister Milne

Saturday, July 28, 2018

My Sisters

This week I spent so much time with so many different sisters doing training meetings and trips back and forth to the airport. Sister Mauga have had just one day where we were the only people living in our house. I really missed proselyting a ton, but I learned SO MUCH from these amazing sisters. Here is a little bit about a few of them:

My comp sister mauga: She is 22 years old and from New Zealand. She was baptized when she was 8 but then was completely less active for 14 years. The missionaries found her family a few years ago and slowly brought them all back to chuch. She has an amzing testimony of the atonement and of working with less actives. She has so much depth and is one of the most cheerful and chill people I have ever met in my entire life.

Sister Pronarreeekkachon: She is from Thailand and is 24 years  old. She is an only child and was baptized four years ago. She had a boyfreind that was an RM and she was deciding between marriage and mission when he got in a car crash and died. She pushed through and turned something bad into something not as bad, by deciding to serve. After she got her mission call, both of her parents got baptized. She doesnt know very much english but despite that she is an AMAZING teacher. When I first taught with her, she recited the first vision and it was so powerful I cried. 

Sister Manu: She now is on Pohnpei but I got to spend some time with her and she is from tonga. She was a convert when she was a youth and was the only member of her church until a month ago when her mom was baptized. 

Sister Petrus: I served with her older sister on pohnpei and now it is amazing getting to serve with her here on Guam. She is from Chuuk and she has been a member for a long time, but being a member on chuuk is HARD. Now she is serving her own people and it is bringing so many miracles. We took her to our investigator Ferny and it turns out the were close friends back on Chuuk. We had an amazing lesson that had us all in tears. Ferny had been struggling with family that doesn't want her to get baptized. Sister Petrus brought that last extra support and spirit, and Ferny will now be getting baptized this Saturday

I love being a missionary and being here at this time and this place. These Sisters inspire me and I know they are here for the people but really I feel like they are also here to teach me:)

Sister Milne

Sunday, July 15, 2018

SLOW but Good

This week was crazy because there has been a ton of missionaries on island for mlc and also it was transfers yesterday. I'm so excited to stay with Sister Mauga in Yigo. She is quickly becoming one of my best friends. But Sister Memmott will for sure be missed as she heads to a different area for her last transfer. 

There's really honestly not that much that happened this week. We were busy getting all the sisters to where they needed to be and also helping our investigators progress.

I did have the opportunity to translate a 4 hour meeting on government housing for one of our chuukese investigators because Sister Memmott had other matters to attend to. It was way hard and I did my best but I seriously don't know much beside the Gospel stuff. But now I know everything there is to know about Government housing...excited that they are implementing a tobacco free policy. yay for the word of wisdom!

We got to wake up at 4 am Saturday to help our ward set up for their yard sale to pay for their temple trip this upcoming fall. I love being of service and its amazing seeing whole families working hard so they can make it to the house of God. They don't take the temple for granted because the closest one is all the way in Manila. They value the temple more because of the hard work they have to put in to get there. 

One miracle is that Alice surprised us by showing up at church. She had prayed and prayed to be able to have a schedule change at work and then asked her boss who is super strict and her boss said yes! It's great seeing the spirit work on her heart. I love seeing peoples faith and understanding about Christ grow.  
Sister Milne

Monday, July 9, 2018


This week we discovered that it being the fourth of July and there being a tropical storm warning REALLY slows the work down. Then once the storm hits and you have to stay inside and then check on all you investigators that live in houses of sheet metal, the work slows down even more. BUT the winds were speeding way up and it was a little intense and a lot of fun. Especially when we still got up and went running in the storm because we're dedicated to exercise and we hadn't yet gotten word that we had to stay inside..........

Everyone was safe, no serious damage or injuries. If anything it brought people together as the ward reached out to a lot of investigators and members in need. 

The best part of the week was that Joses got baptized! So now they are a family in the Gospel and in one year they will be able to go to the temple and be sealed. When we showed up with the elders to do his baptismal interview, we were really worried because he was no where to be found. We were afraid that he had gone out with his bad friends and was chewing beetle nut again, but then it turns out he was helping his neighbor mix cement:) Also he shared his testimony in our gospel essentials chuukese class and it was so sweet to see him smile and tell us what it felt like to be so clean. It was even cuter seeing his wife beam as he talked. 

Update on Alice, our struggling but faithful friend: she got a JOB!! But her manager wont let her have Sundays we are praying she will be able to find a new job. But we we're super proud of her for having the courage to even ask to be able have Sundays off so she could go to church. 

I've been thinking a lot about what it means to be a child of God. I've concluded that it means we are all special and unique because we all really do have so many different things to give and offer the world. We can't compare and contrast ourselves and others because God has an individual plan for each of us and the only people who  can know and understand that plan is ourselves and God. I love being a child of God. I love seeing what His plan is for me. He keeps revealing bits and pieces to me a little at a time. He loves me so much and I love me so much and I love all of YOU so much!! 

Sister Milne 

Monday, July 2, 2018


One of our investigators lost her house and starting today will be homeless with her four kids. We met with her every day this week and cried with her as she expressed her concerns about sleeping in the car on the beach and not knowing where her kids would use the bathroom or shower. I wish that I could do more. I wish I could take her in. I wish that someone in the ward would take her in. We tried reaching out to the ward for help but I suppose we were asking too much. It amazed me though as the ONLY 2 women who offered to take her in (but were both unable to do to their husbands) were two chuukese women who have both experienced homelessness before. The women that had big homes and no worries were unwilling to give while the women with the smallest homes and who were struggling offered to give all they had. 

This taught me a lot about giving out of our excess verses giving all that we have and making an actual sacrifice. I'm so grateful for these Islanders that have shown me how to truly give. It doesn't matter how someone got to where they are or what is going on, CHARITY NEVER FAILETH. I don't want to look back on my life and wish I had given more. 

This was the main thing that happened this week. Another cool thing was our investigator Joses who is getting baptized this week told us about how he was going to chew beetle nut but then decided he was done and threw it out the car window. Also, they had this giant purple lobster he caught and it was really cool. 
 Also, we had a sister missionary fourth of july dinner, and Sister Mauga wanted a pic with the american fllag on her cake:)
Sister Milne