Sunday, July 15, 2018

SLOW but Good

This week was crazy because there has been a ton of missionaries on island for mlc and also it was transfers yesterday. I'm so excited to stay with Sister Mauga in Yigo. She is quickly becoming one of my best friends. But Sister Memmott will for sure be missed as she heads to a different area for her last transfer. 

There's really honestly not that much that happened this week. We were busy getting all the sisters to where they needed to be and also helping our investigators progress.

I did have the opportunity to translate a 4 hour meeting on government housing for one of our chuukese investigators because Sister Memmott had other matters to attend to. It was way hard and I did my best but I seriously don't know much beside the Gospel stuff. But now I know everything there is to know about Government housing...excited that they are implementing a tobacco free policy. yay for the word of wisdom!

We got to wake up at 4 am Saturday to help our ward set up for their yard sale to pay for their temple trip this upcoming fall. I love being of service and its amazing seeing whole families working hard so they can make it to the house of God. They don't take the temple for granted because the closest one is all the way in Manila. They value the temple more because of the hard work they have to put in to get there. 

One miracle is that Alice surprised us by showing up at church. She had prayed and prayed to be able to have a schedule change at work and then asked her boss who is super strict and her boss said yes! It's great seeing the spirit work on her heart. I love seeing peoples faith and understanding about Christ grow.  
Sister Milne

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