Monday, March 26, 2018

Devine Design

The work really goes by much faster when you have a lot of investigators and this week we found a lot of prepared investigators! We saw Heavenly Father leading and guiding us in so many little ways. 

1. We met a family with 4 special needs children on walking wednesday. We went back and had an amazing lesson, the mom considers herself to be a seeker in terms of religion and says she's ready to settle down spiritually. We were more than happy to assure her that she has found what she has been looking for. We taught her about the Book of Mormon and she asked, "Where can I get one?!" 

2. We found a woman who is from Pohnpei. Her last name is Fredrick and she is from Kitti. There is an Elder that served with us last transfer on Pohnpei who is the only member in hi family. He is Elder Fredrick and he is from Kitti. When we mentioned this she opened up for the first time, he is in fact her nephew and we have now started to teach her. 

3. We met a man who is from Pohnpei and he is married to a less active woman.  He told us where he is from on pohnpei and I said " Thats a really long road, I only know one family that lives at the end of that road, their last name is Ludrick" the man replies "....I"M a Ludrick!" We will begin teaching him soon as well.

4. We met with the manager of our apartment to discuss some sewage problems and we discovered he is a pohnpeian and a member. He gave a list of tenants he has been "working on". With one nonmember family, he helped them get an apartment for their father who is a member, on the condition that they drive him to church every week. They have come to church 2 times so far and we just began teaching them on saturday. The man (whose father in law is the member) told us he had been thinking that he wanted us to teach his children and so when we asked if we could have a lesson it was an answer from God. 

5. We met with a nice young man who said he was open to learn new things but that he was " a science guy" because "it just makes more sense". I was able to share that I love school, and that I will return to college after my mission to continue studying neuroscience, so I actually consider myself a "science girl". I assured him that God is the greatest scientist and that religion gives me far more understanding than just science alone. The spirit was very strong and I'm grateful Heavenly Father had prepared me to give him that special witness. 

I know there is no such thing as coincidences, only divine design. I know I'm on guam for a special purpose, Heavenly Father has a work for me here. I'm grateful to be an instrument in His hand. I'm learning that Heavenly Father really can use me despite my weaknesses. In fact I think He likes it when I'm a little weak and broken, because it makes me rely more on Him. I love Him. 

Sister Kamry Milne

Sunday, March 18, 2018


This week was just full of adjustments. Going from jungles and river crossings to walking down the side of the highway is hard. My body is enjoying the cleanliness and whatnot but my heart is still struggling, along with my stomach (it no longer knows how to process vegetables). 

The best part of being on Guam is just that there is a lot of people. This means way more opportunities to meet people, teach people, and baptize people. 

I have started to learn chuukese which is actually a bit simpler than pohnpeian, just not as pretty sounding. We mostly just speak in english because there are so many people from so many places. We've talked to people from Chuuk, Yap, Kosrea, Phillippines, Palau, Mortulak, Marshall Islands, Pingelap, Pohnpei, and the Chomorro people who are native to Guam. Plus in our ward there are a lot of white people who are in the military. 

Anyone who has watched "The District" will know of Elder Tuitu (the dark one from guam). He is in our ward, his family is super nice. 

I got to see sister Laulusa this week which was such a blessing, also we had a fun luau for the military on saturday, so all the missionaries got to help serve food. 

I miss Pohnpei but I know God has a work for me to do here and I am trying my best. I will do whatever Heavenly Father asks of me. 

Sister Milne

Sunday, March 11, 2018

My Heart Is In Pohnpei

So much happened this week:

  • Sister Higgins stayed with us because Sister Taunauta went to MLC. The best part of this was that I got to visit 2 girls in Uh that I found and taught with sister Bowers and then with Sister Taunauta and they both got baptized in February. It was amazing to see the change in them and in their whole family. And it was rewarding seeing some of the fruits of my labors. I LOVE THOSE GIRLS!

  • We came home one night to a dog with his head stuck in a plastic jar and it was really cute and sad. I laughed and quickly grabbed my camera while sister stewarts first response was to go save it.

  • I finally faced my fear and held one of the big spiders the kids play with. I didn't get so far as letting it run up my face like they do, up my arm was more than enough. 

  • Also I hit my 9 months mark! This means I am halfway through which is crazy. Its going by way too fast.

  • We got the call yesterday that both sister stewart and I are going to Guam and whitewashing another area together. My heart hurts but I'm grateful for the spirit which has been preparing me for this all week. Saying goodbye yesterday and today to these people that have become my family was so hard. I love them. I'm hopeful that I will one day return to Pohnpei either further down on my mission, or one day after my mission. These are my people!! I'm hoping our area in Guam (which we know nothing about) has a lot of Pohnpeians in it! Mostly I'm grateful that Sister Stewart and I are staying together! White washing on a new island with your same companion doesn't really ever happen. Although my heart is in Pohnpei, I know that the work is the same wherever I go and I love the work and my God who I am serving more than anything. I'm so grateful for the time He blessed me to live on Pohnpei and meet these incredible people. 
2 additional things:
  1. Good news!  I had a lot of weird bruising, but the blood work all came back clear so no worries! Although I do appreciate all the additional prayers:)
  2. New rules for email are no email chatting and email for 1 hour only. I know I'm already super bad at replying to emails, and now I'm probably going to get even worse at it. Just know that I read every single email and I appreciate them all SO MUCH!!! 
Here's a nice quote I found on Tuesday that I felt applied to my life and gave me comfort and will hopefully do the same to someone who reads this: 

"Just when all seems to be going right, challenges often come in multiple waves simultaneously. When those trials are not consequences of your disobedience, they are evidence that the Lord feels you are prepared to grow more. He therefore gives you experiences that stimulate growth, understanding and compassion, which polish you for your everlasting benefit. TO get you from where you are to where He wants you to be requires a lot of stretching, and that generally entails discomfort and pain" -Elder Richard G. Scott

Sister Milne

Monday, March 5, 2018

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, might, mind, and strength

This past Monday was difficult as I learned my Mother has breast cancer. That's not news anyone wants to receive while they are on their mission, trying to give all their heart, might, mind, and strength to the Lord. However, I have already seen so many blessings in my life and in my families life. One of which is the birth of my beautiful new niece Hadley Grace Brian! 

I kept the news about my mom to myself on monday, so that I could process it privately. But I did share the information with a senior couple that was visiting, the Beaumonts. They had us show them around some of the local shops and then took us out to dinner. It was nice to have someone take their time to pause life for a moment to let me know they care. I also had them take a picture and send it to my mom because I knew that as much as I was worrying about my mom, she was worrying about me more. I am so incredibly grateful for prayer, it keeps my family and I connected and I know that Heavenly Father can look out for them a lot better than I can.  

In terms of the work, we have been blessed with a few very prepared investigators. Unfortunately, due to a funeral that took place, we weren't able to meet with John all week, which means his baptism will just be pushed back to next week.
Right now, our investigator Rolihne has my heart. She is 18 and has an adorable 5 month old baby. She is so willing to listen. She doesn't know how to read so we have been teaching her a little bit each time we visit her. When we first met her she was really shy and told us that she didn't like to pray. Now she has just begun to light up every time we visit and has started praying regularly. We arranged a ride to pick her up for church, but she didn't have any shoes. We are working with the relief society to get her a pair so that she can come next week. She's also really excited to have her baby blessed. 

I know that my Heavenly Father loves each of His children and I know He will never leave us alone. I'm grateful for our trials that teach us to have faith and rely on our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thanks for the prayers, I feel them everyday.
Sister Milne

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