Sunday, May 27, 2018

Normalness rocks

This week was the first normal week I've had in a long time. It was awesome! But there's really not that much to write about. We have cultivated a really great group of investigators. Heavenly Father just keeps putting them in our path. It's nice to have our faith and hard work yield results.  Plus we are working with the ward so much. I LOVE Yigo ward. We are getting an English class set up to help the Chuukese that live in the poor part of town be able to get jobs. We have also been hard at work picking lice out of our investigators hair so that they can all come to church. The ward bought lice shampoo for them so Sister Memmott and I spent Saturday morning shampooing and picking through 5 heads FULL of lice. I hope it serves as a testimony of how important going to church is. 

LOVE YOU ALL! Thanks for the prayers and the love. God is good:)

Sister Milne

Sunday, May 20, 2018

I remember who I am, a daughter of God.

Kamry wrote 2 emails this week.  She felt really inspired to share her story of how she has been dealing with depression and anxiety while on her mission.  It has been a hard long road but she is finally feeling like herself again.  Thank you for praying for her and all the other missionaries around the world.

For the past several months I have been struggling with anxiety and depression. Changing countries, culture, and language while training and white washing is extremely hard on a mission. Throw mental illness on top of there and March and April turned into hell. Thanks to the love and support of many people around me, plus medication, I've been slowly getting better. I was getting back on my feet, but although I kept turning to prayer and scripture study, something was still missing. I felt like the darkness was fading, and the sun was coming up, but I was still walking through thick fog. Just a couple weeks ago, I emailed my dad telling him that I often felt more like a child of hell than a child of Heavenly Father because hell is dark and sad like me. I had completely and entirely lost who I was. This week however, I remembered. 
While sitting in a district meeting on Wednesday, we were watching a really powerful video about a mans conversion to the Gospel. As I watched, it was like a light switch was flipped on in my mind. I AM A DAUGHTER OF GOD! He has a plan for me! He LOVES me and VALUES me. This knowledge filled my mind with a light and peace I have been begging God to give me. During the hardest moments of despair I would repeat over and over, "I am a child of God. He loves me and I love me". But now, instead of just saying it, I really know it and feel it. Growing up in the church, I think I grew accustomed to hearing that I was a child of God, I didn't know how precious that knowledge was. I didn't know what it was like to not have that core understanding of my identity. Now I get it when converts say that they learned who they were and that it made such a massive difference in their lives. I testify that the light of the Gospel is real and tangible. It is centered in knowing that I am a daughter of Heavenly Father and that He loves me so much that He sent His son to come and die for me. This knowledge is powerful, it is healing. It is truly the most important thing a person can know. 
I am aware that the rest of my mission, and the rest of my life, will still be full of trials and struggles. And I'm definitely staying on my medication. But ever since that moment in district meeting when I felt the spirit so strong and remembered who I really am, it's like everything has changed. I am filled with light and joy that I can't put to words. It is like energy that reaches out through my fingers and toes. And now I can see how blessed I am to have been given the opportunity to taste the darkness so that I can more fully appreciate and feel the light. I know who I am and what I can become. I am special, powerful, strong, righteous. My potential is unlimited. I am His. 

20 Years Young!

This week was awesome! We visited so many people and really felt the spirit. 

On Tuesday, I felt that we really needed to visit an investigator whose boyfriend got in the way of us visiting her. When we went I didn't really know why were there, but I told her that I had gotten an impression while praying that we needed to come visit her. She said, "What? Are you sure?!" I assured her that it was from God. She then told us that the day before she had been praying for help and she had heard the words in her head, "The Mormons will help you still". It was amazing to be an answer to her prayer and although she might not be ready to progress towards baptism yet, I know that this experience was crucial for her to know that God answers prayers. 

We also got to visit a woman that Sister Memmott used to teach who is really struggling. When we went it turned into a chaotic mess of people screaming and a man throwing a puppy into a the jungle and throwing a 10 year old girl across cement. And then the girl ran away and people went after her. It was crazy and I didn't really know what was going on. But we were able to sit and listen to the woman and help her feel God's love and as we left with a prayer and blessed her with specific blessings, she was in tears. It feels good to be on the Lord's errand. 

Saturday was my birthday and it was so fun! Sister memmott decorated and made me breakfast. We also got to join a relief society activity that was all about palauan culture so we got to help make palauan food. Then we got to attend a chuukese man's baptism. And we got to visit all my favorite investigators and less actives. One made me homemade lumpia which is my favorite!! 

On sunday I got to give a talk all about ministering and loving like the savior and it went really well! I actually volunteered because someone bailed on the bishop and I really enjoyed it. 
I love this ward and these people and we are seeing so many little miracles, including 2 brand new amazing investigators that were a referral from the manager of our apartments. 

Sister Memmott and I are seriously having too much fun together. We are so in tune with the spirit that sometimes it's weird because we always have exactly the same thoughts. 

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Kamry Testimony in Pohnpeian and Chuukese

I Love You Mom!

Talking with family was so nice and it means I'm gonna make this real short. My week was good! I had a lot of moments where I felt GOOD. Like just happy and content and at peace and it was such a blessing. 

I love loving people like the savior would and that is really the biggest indicator for me that I am doing what I came out here to do. Forget about the numbers and the leadership and sometimes even the rules. I'm LOVING these people and it is so incredibly fulfilling as people begin to love and trust us as well. We had a lot of moments this week where some very poor and in need Less Active members called us for help because they know that they can turn to us. It's amazing getting to devote all our time to serving others.

One of the ways I served this week was picking lots and lots of lice out of various people's hair. I've become a professional. 

Also, we water colored flowers and delivered them to our friends that are mothers yesterday.

And we cleaned out a members kitchen (her husband is a hoarder). the land lord came in a started demanding payments and then her adult kids were getting aggressive and cussing and it was like a movie. 

Also, my beautiful best friend sister Laulusa was in town for a few days. It was a real good time:)

Sushi Bake Recipe

Sushi Rice

-Cook 3 cups of medium grain or short grain rice as directed.
-In a microwaveable bowl mix together the following:
1/2 cup Rice Vinegar
1/4 cup Sugar
1/2 Teaspoon salt
-Microwave for 1 min on high.
-Remove from microwave and stir until sugar and salt dissolve.
-Pour over cooked rice a little at a time and mix until all the rice is flavored.
-Sushi rice may now be used for sushi or sushi bake.

Sushi bake
Furikake (seaweed sprinkle)
Imitation Crab meat
Kimchee base
Siracha sauce

Pre-heat the oven to 350. 
Fill the bottom of a (glass/foil pan) with cooked rice. Sprinkle furikake over the rice to your liking. 
In a seperate bowl mix crab meat, mayo, kimchee base, and siracha sauce. 
Spread the above over the furikake and rice and cover with tin foil.
Cook for about 30-40 minutes. Then broil for 5-7 minutes or until brownish not burnt!

Enjoy plain or with sushi wrap!

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Hafa (nice) Adai

Here's my week squished down to a few highlights:
  • The beach on monday! If you're wondering if Sister Memmott and I are unified, just take a look at those cute pics down below. We had the WHOLE BEACH to ourselves. 
  • We found a kitten! We tried to find it a good home and we spoon fed it milk and named it mufasa. Pets however are not allowed so it was hard kicking her out into the dark. But another girl at our apartments took her in, yay!
  • We are working with a lot of members, especially less actives right now. We visited this one who will not let any members inside her house, but she loves us. We finally got her to pray and as she was praying I had the thought, "This soul is worth just as much as anyone else you could be teaching and baptizing". I got teary eyed and felt the spirit SO STRONG, then it turns out Sister Memmott had the EXACT SAME experience as the sister was praying! She also came to sacrament meeting with her kids and it was wonderful.
  • We got a new chuukese investigator who is way excited to be meeting with us. She came to church and it turns out some of the members are related to her. They started teaching her about why she needs to be baptized, which we haven't even gotten to yet so it was a really cool blessing. Members are the best! Also, this woman has the cutest kids! And since I don't speak very much chuukese, I get to spend most of the lessons loving on her children:)
  • We had dinner with lots of members this week and one of my new favorite foods is Sushi Bake!! Its like sushi and casserole mixed and it was AMAZING.
Thanks for the love and the prayers. Love you all so much!!
Sister Milne