Sunday, June 3, 2018


This week was just straight up weird. I felt pretty good and we worked really hard but weird things just kept getting in the way. Like things went so bad it was comical. We were late to everything because people talk for so long, plus we were in and out of a bit of sickness, we also lost our phone, and I can't even remember everything else that happened. 

BUT one really cool good thing that happened is we had an appointment with a woman and her 3 sons and she has a lot of family that are members. When we met her several months ago, she told us that she isn't ready to join any church but that she wanted us to teach her sons. We felt that we needed to keep teaching them even though they weren't making much progress. This week she informed us that she had been praying for a long time and last year she sent missionaries away but prayed and told God that if missionaries came back to her, then she would know it was the true church. She said, "God does answers prayers, you are here. At first I didn't want that to be my answer but.....I think this is the truth." IT WAS AWESOME. She has never really participated much before but turns out the spirit has been working with her for a long time:) I love being the answer to peoples prayers. 

The big bad thing that happened is during stake conference we found out that on chuuk there were four elders that got trapped by the people in their house and the locals were shooting deadly darts at them telling them that they would never get out. So yesterday we all united in prayer for them. We have since found out that they escaped off the island safely in boats. We take this as a sign that there are big wonderful things about to happen here on the islands because satan is working extra hard to hinder the work. 

Transfers happened and Sister Memmott and I will be staying together in Yigo WITH a new missionary we will be training together. WE ARE SO EXCITED! This is an answer to many of my prayers because I really felt that I needed to stay in Yigo. I love this work and these people. 

And shout out to my amazing mom who finished radiation!!! <3

Sister Milne

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