Sunday, July 30, 2017

Where Did The Week Go?

Okay, once again this week just flew by! I don't even remember everything that happened! 

The big thing is that a couple that has been taught for almost a year finally got baptized this week!! They have six kids, two of which are already baptized, and they are related to the relief society president. So this week was filled with preparation for that, and it was a lot of work and a bit stressful but we pulled it off! On Saturday they were married and baptized and it was beautiful! But my favorite part was when they received the gift of the holy ghost in church on sunday. They were both just glowing!
It was amazing to see the immediate impact on them, their family seemed so much more at peace and united, and I know its because they were following Jesus Christ by being married and baptized. 

Also in church, a member of the stake presidency came with his family, including two sons to bless the sacrament and one to pass it. They filled our little church building with the spirit! It really testified to me just how important and powerful the priesthood is. 

This past monday we were able to go to a waterfall which was so beautiful! Tiny, but surrounded by the beautiful jungle:) 

Honestly, I'm grateful things haven't been so crazy! I'm settling in and Heavenly Father is helping me feel more at home. I feel his love and guidance daily and I feel all of your love and prayers as well! My testimony and faith is growing so much and I know that this Gospel really is the only source of true happiness and peace.

The language is getting better, I still cant teach fully without my companion translating for me, but everyone is always impressed when I pray and Introduce myself. Some of the locals say I'm doing really well and am learning quickly.....others say I need to learn quicker and that I'd better study I just keep pushing along, understanding and speaking more every day! 

Sister Milne

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