Sunday, July 23, 2017

Kaselelie Maingko!

Hello friends and family!

This week flew by! seriously, sooooo fast. 

After we emailed last Monday, sister James and I went to a little restaurant for lunch and there ended up being two members of our church that sat down near us. One was from Utah but living in Japan and the other was from Pohnpei but living in Guam. They were here to film the Pohnpei youth trek that happened last week (all of the youth from Uh that were going to go ended up missing the bus so that was sad) but they paid for our lunch which was so nice! And that essentially never happens here. Also, we found a little bakery with a really good Halo-halo drink. Different from when I tried it in Hawaii, but very yummy!  

Then, we went on exchanges with the sister training leaders, and it was so fun! I love them so much! Sister Russell and I were in the middle of a lesson when  two Evangelist missionaries showed up and asked to join our lesson.  Sister Russell did great, she was super kind and brought the spirit with her simple testimony of eternal families. 

On Saturday we had a baptism! It wasn't really ours, the man moved to our area the week before he was supposed to be baptized, so we really just had to wrap everything up and figure out the baptism. It was so rewarding to see his joy though:)

On Sunday we walked to church with our 19 year old investigator who was worried about her parents letting her be baptized. We fasted with her that they would say yes and then Sunday night when we visited we were thrilled to discover that they will allow her to be baptized! Fasting really does work! Also, her cousins walked to church with us, one of them is 16 and she was baptized 3 years ago. The other two are our investigators and they are sisters.. ages 21 and 12. They are all so darn cute and it was so fun walking to church! They know some English so they are helping me with Pohnpeian.

I haven't shared a lot about my companion yet. Her name is Sister James and She's from an outer Pohnpeian Island so English is her 3rd language. She is 23 years old and was baptized when she was 18. She is the only member of her family that is a member except for a sister that was baptized after she came out on her mission. She actually got called to serve in England, but due to her eyesight problems she ended up being unable to go. So she began serving in Pohnpei as a stake missionary. Once they stopped doing stake missionaries, our Mission president got special permission to keep her on as a full time missionary. She truly has a gift of tongues and she is always looking for ways to serve the people! I'm learning a lot about the culture here from her as well! 

I have lost track of my bug bites, I don't know if my feet will ever not be dirty again, the stars out here are unreal, and I had the most delicious pineapple in the world (there was no hard middle part that you couldnt eat, it was all sweet and amazing). 

Our car is making the worst sounds I've ever heard a car make, but we have to wait to get it fixed because there is a mechanic flying in next week. I think its really just running on our prayers and faith...Also I learned how to open a coconut with a machete. And I've begun to crave the local food, mainly the fried stuff. 

God is good and I know that he answers our prayers and will never leave us alone!
Sister Milne

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