Monday, September 11, 2017

I Love Island Life

Last monday, Sister James and I decided to reward ourselves for our hard work by buying local clothes and matching rings! It was super fun:) She bought a dress and I bought a skirt.

Our week went by super fast, we are working really hard to help build up the church here. I wish there were more hours in the day so we could help more people! 

We have a lot of investigators and we are trying to help them overcome all their questions, concerns, and live the commandments of God. I know the most important thing is for them to feel the Holy Ghost by praying, reading the scriptures, and going to church. I love these three things! They are what life is all about! or at least what life should be all about! 

I love these people with my whole heart, it makes me so sad when people have been given so much light and knowledge and they don't take it. Its like being offered hot chocolate lava cake with vanilla ice cream and instead eating beans and spinach. I just want them to eat the cake, but I can't force them, they have to choose for themselves. Except what we are offering is better than hot chocolate lave cake! Its eternal life and peace and joy and happiness with our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and our Families!! I just need to work harder to help them see how important and good this gospel is and that its meant for everyone! 

This morning was super fun, we went to some old ruins at the bottom of the Island called Nan Madol. We asked what the history is behind them, but the man there said that people cant talk about it while at the ruins or they will get sick. (people here are very superstitious about stuff, its really interesting) But it was beautiful, and right at the coast and I just love the ocean and the jungle and exploring old run down places! We went with our zone, except none of the other sisters in our zone went so it was just Sister James and I and the Elders. But it was still fun and incredible. I loved it! 

Thanks for all the prayers!
Sister Milne​

Wearing the skirt with a random t shirt is the pohnpeian style:) ​

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