Sunday, February 11, 2018

I Straight Out Wept

We really saw Heavenly Fathers leading and guiding hand this week as we got lost in sapwalap but somehow always ended up in the right place at the right time. We are trying to clean up a bit of what the Elders left behind, and also trying to have a fresh start. Also, this week was a lot of trying to figure out where people live and who is a member, nonmember, or less active. This means the work was a bit slow. But as our awesome ward mission leader, Brother Albert said, "this week you are walking, next week you will walk a little faster, 4 or 5 weeks and you will be running!" 

The ward is truly incredible. There's no way I will not gain weight because they feed us EVERYDAY! They all tell me they want to make me fat.....bring it on! I love food! 

Also the kids all sit around us everyday during language study and teach us pohnpeian and its so helpful and so fun. I LOVE THEM. 

I truly testify that the Lord works through the weak and the simple and in mysterious ways. This week we were teaching a teenage boy and his mother joined the lesson. We taught about the restoration and baptism and the mother was not very happy about any of it. After I invited them to read the Book of Mormon and promised them blessings if they would, she wrecked me on my pohnpeian. ( I now have a new motivation to study even harder!) It was the meanest anyone has talked to me so far on the mission. It mostly just broke my heart that she didn't understand the beautiful message because of my inefficiencies in the language. After a few minutes of ridicule, I asked if I could just share my testimony with her. As I bore my testimony, the spirit was so strong I straight out wept for the first time in a lesson. She felt the spirit, and felt really really bad afterward, so she promised to come to church. She showed up on Sunday with her 3 kids, they stayed for all 3 hours, and she even participated in relief society. I'm so grateful that Jesus Christ makes up the difference. If I try my best and do what I'm supposed to, He is always right there beside me. I love Him. I love His work. I love being His servant. I will do whatever He asks. 

Sister Milne

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