Saturday, June 10, 2017

Shaka Too Tight

Okay, I'm loving the MTC! My companion is sister Laulusa (Law-ulu-Saw) and she is amazig. We have so much in common it's kinda crazy but really cool. I love our district, all the Elders are so sweet and excited to share. Our District Leader is Elder Dorius, He's 6' 10" and played Basketball at Utah State last year I believe.....The sisters are all amazing as well, very happy and nice. Some people here are SUPER peppy which is good for them I guess, my comp and I just smile and try to be friendly even though we arent really like that. We are the first set of districts to start learning in the new buildings, and they are so beautiful! I love them so much, there light and color and great views of the temple and BYU. They are filming a video about the new MTC buildings, and sister laulusa and I got filmed as we were studying so look out for that cuz we might make and appearance. The food is good, exercise time seems fun but we've only gone once and we played volleyball and there were some people that were really intense about it and even cussing which was odd and not I probably own't be playingt that again any time soon. The food is good. Too good actually. And there's dessert every meal which is bad for those like me who have no self control against donuts and ice cream. 

We are learning so much so fast. People that have only been here a week longer than us seem so much older and wiser......We are hopping we will be at that point by next Wednesday. We've begun teaching actors and I love teaching so much. Before I left, like during my mission prep class, it was so hard to articulate all my thoughts. Here, right from the very start, I've had no trouble opening my mouth and letting the words come. I haven't been shaky or stuttered at all which is amazing. I'm discovering just how important reading the scriptures, going to church, and saying prayers are. They solve EVERY PROBLEM! Also we all need to be constantly trying to improve ourselves, we can't be content and say things are just good enough. We must look for something about ourselves to actually change. All the time. That's how we get back to our heavenly father, that is what enduring to the end is. We get to start teaching every day,
two fulll length lessons to actors next week. We got assigned the people and their stories about why they want to talk to the missionaries. One of the people my comp and i got is Erika Olsen which is too funny and crazy that I know her. It might be hard to pretend that she is an investigator but it will still be cool.

We got to go to the temple this morning which was so nice. Utah feels like home and I'm going to miss it. But I'm even more excited to go to Micronesia now!! Everyone thinks its cool that we are going there and we have to explain all the time about the language thing. There is a trio of Elders in another district and zone going to micronesia as well, they got here on the same day as us so we will be flying out together on the 27th I believe. Sister Laulusa and I were surprised to discover that our release date is November 20th while the other sisters in our district is December 24th. At first we were disappointed because we will actually be 2 weeks shy of 18 months, but now we are grateful to spend the Holidays next year with our families. 

Its a lot of work, but so fun and rewarding! A lot of sisters here warned us that we'd probably be crying every night for a bit like they had, but I don't think Sister Laulusa and I will be having that problem, we are just too darn excited about the gospel and going to micronesia. She is teaching me so much! my favorite was "Shaka too tight sister MIlne:)"The hawaiian hand sign that everyone does is a shaka I guess and mine was too tight. I had to chill. Loosen up. It was Funny:)

And shes from Arizona.

Peace and blessings. Hoorah for Israel!

Sister Milne

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are off to a great missionary start. Enjoy and watch out for the deserts. Gpa Milne. PS. Love the Blog name!
