Sunday, December 3, 2017

Wedding and Baptism!

This week my heart was so filled with pure joy! Our investigator Sharen got married on Thursday night. It was super small and last minute but the spirit was so strong and I could not stop smiling! They are both super shy but you could see the joy radiating from them. Families are so incredibly important!

Then on Saturday at 9 am 9 year old Shakira and 10 year old Sharood got baptized. These kids are incredible! They KNOW this gospel and they have such a clear understanding of who they are and what they need to do to return and live with Heavenly Father. Plus they have been so influential in bringing their family back to church. They were baptized in the river near the chapel and it was BEAUTIFUL. 

Then on Sunday, Uh branch had a record high (since my time being there) of 61 people at church! There was one less active man there who no one has seen at church in years. I know that this is all because of service! We have been so focused on serving the members, especially those that are less active, and it is making such a big difference. Sometimes all people need is to know that they are loved and to feel that they are missed and needed. 
Shakira and Sharood received the gift of the holy ghost and Sharood even bore his testimony. Shakira was too nervous to get up, so she wrote her testimony down and then I got up and read it for her. 

My heart was and is so full. These souls are so precious and I love them so much. I'm so grateful to be with Sister Bowers for her last transfer, it has been full of miracles and blessings. 
Love you all!
Sister Milne

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